Hi, my name is Karabo and I am a travel and wellness blogger —-> https://www.travelwithkarabo.com/
Being a travel blogger in this changing world is challenging especially when trying to share
experiences with your readers but it is not as challenging as being told that you cannot go anywhere,
let alone outside to take a walk because there is a global pandemic.
Over the past couple of weeks, since the lockdown measures were put in place, I have been experiencing emotions ranging from happiness, sadness, excitement and many others due to the strain that the lockdown has had on me. The positive side of this is that I get the opportunity to spend time at home and focus on myself. Even though there is a lot to worry about such as financial security and mental health, I have been experimenting with a few things I thought I should share and hopefully you will find them useful. I couldn’t be happier to have had Cwayita ask me to guest blog on this platform.
Staying positive during this difficult time requires extra emotional effort and as such, I do not have a
formula to go by in order to keep myself positive except for the small things I do. Keeping fit and
remembering that this is all temporary and I just need to keep moving. Did you know that a short
exercise releases endorphins that trigger feelings of positivity?
There are tons of fitness channels on YouTube and I am currently obsessed with Pamela Reif’s
workouts. Trust me, 20 minutes a day of her workout a day makes life easier to tackle. Another thing
that has been keeping me positive is friends who keep things normal such as calling, talking about
relationships and trends in things that affect us as black women and how to contribute to a positive
change. Keeping a routine lessens any negative thoughts and strain you might be feeling.
This pandemic has made me realise that there are so many things I took for granted and will now
look at them differently because I now know the importance of their existence and the luxury
of having access to them. One thing I am most grateful for is time- with so many lives lost, I keep thinking
that life is evidently too short to waste another second on something that does not develop me as a
person. I am also grateful for my 9-5 as a fundraising assistant. Hearing people talk about job loss
and not being able to afford food cuts me deep and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have
a salary at the end of the month while contributing to the work my employer does in social justice.
The list is endless but for now, I hope we are all doing our bit to keep healthy, safe, positive, and
staying at home to help those working tirelessly to keep us safe.
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